Hi all!
First things first, I must apologise for my absence from the site these last few weeks. Since Twixel’s release on the 18th of December, I’ve taken some time out of my busy life to focus on family and friends over the Christmas and New Year period. Whilst it was much deserved after the previous year of working and the previous two years of consistently writing for this site, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for not working. Less of that though, cause I’M BACK!
So, what have I been up to recently? Well, with Twixel’s release of of the way, I’ve been watching a bunch of films, setting new years resolutions, and applying for new jobs (hopefully in the games industry, SHOCK HORROR!). I also have managed to fit in time to play through and complete Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix, as well as Forza Horizon 2. Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix is ready to read at the link below:
One thing about this review I want to talk about is the feedback I’ve gotten. Just take a look below:
Granted, a editor can only do so much with what I provide in the first place, but when an entire paragraph about this being my first time playing KH2 is taken out, or sentences are changed to take on a whole new meaning, I can’t help but feel duped. Lesson learnt I suppose, I must make sure to read edits going forwards to ensure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.
Soooo…. since I never wrote on New Years day saying what my New Years Resolution was, I’m going to give you all a hint of them below:
- Watch 52 films I’ve never seen before
- Complete and review 52 games for both Caesoose.com and GamrReview.com
- Read 12 books (one for each month)
- Make a second game for iOS and Android
- Get new job
- Port Twixel to iOS & Android
- Make a presentation for a convention about towing the line of being a journalist and games developer
- Attend 4 games conventions (Including E3)
So there’s most of my new years resolutions, with a few I’m keeping secret, just in case I don’t follow through with them. At the end of the year I’ll revisit these resolutions and recall whether I achieved them or not (I should be able to with no problems).
So, to everyone who frequents my blog, thank you all for visiting, and here’s to a fantastic New Year with lots of opportunities and fun!