In 2013, I managed to keep to my new years resolution, and completed 1 game a week for 52 weeks, writing a review every week on what I thought of it.
This coming year, I’m going to continue to write a new review every week, but I feel I also need to push myself one step further. So this year, I want to do the following:
- Write a game review once a week.
- Produce a Video Quick look once every 2 weeks.
- Make 2 full games that will be pushed to every platform (iOS, Android, PC, Ouya), documenting and pushing builds to this site. (Project stargazer and Project Timeshift).
- Migrate my server from to to allow people to run unity games within my site rather than Dropbox.
There are a lot more things I want to do, BUT I don’t think they should be posted on my blog for now, as they may be impossible, and I’d rather not let myself down.
Look out for all this new content during 2014!
Good luck! 🙂