beat saber

It’s been 10 days since I wrote the first post, and given that we’re a third of the way through June I thought I’d give a little update on the progress made so far. So without further ado, here’s my current stats: As you can see, I’ve managed to lose 7.6lbs so far, which is pretty damn good! Looking at my workout history, you can see that I’ve been sticking to my beat saber routine daily (apart from Thursday, as I ended up walking 7kms): It’s strange, but the amount of calories burned are all over the place – I have found that as I get used to some levels, my heart rate tends to go down, meaning I’m not sweating as much as before. For example, playing “ride it” used to get my heart rate to ~170bpm when first playing (and failing) to finish the level, netting around 150…

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Why? I don’t know about you, but this lockdown malarky has certainly taken it’s toll on my waistline! Just when I first came to Canada, I was as fit as a fiddle, reaching my goal body fat percentage and soon accomplishing something I’ve always wanted: to get a six pack. Whilst the six pack never came, I definitely got close: Upon arriving in Canada, I wanted to bulk up first, so I could come back to the UK a changed person, which I achieved just last year, and even achieved another goal set: to reach 200lb body weight come Christmas 2019 (with most coming from muscle): So imagine my surprise when Covid-19 came to Toronto and proceeded to shut everything down! No more gym and myself having fallen ill lead to 3 months of isolation, with body weight exercises not really packing the same punch as the gym used to…

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