Weekly Gaming: Hektor (PC) Review
Hi all! So this week I finally managed to get around to reviewing Rubycone Games’ first title: Hektor. It took so long to be published as I was waiting for GamrReview to finally get merged with VGChartz.com, meaning the review should potentially get more hits as a result (this seems to be the case so far, with 1400 views on an indie game). If you want to read up on my impressions of Hektor, go ahead and click the link below: http://www.vgchartz.com/article/258610/hektor-pc/ Hope you’re all well! -Dan
I Done My First Interview!
Hi all, So, in writing on my blog for 2 years now and writing for gamrReview.com for almost a year, I had never actually gotten around to interviewing a developer in what it took to make their game, and other questions consumers may have in mind for making a viable purchase of said product. Thankfully, out of nowhere I got an email from a PR representative on behalf of Rubycone Games who wanted to see if I’d be interested in an interview. I said yes and jumped at the chance to do this, and below, you can go to the published end result: http://www.gamrreview.com/preview/92387/reinventing-the-horror-game-with-rubycone-games-hektor A few things I’ve learnt for future interviews though: Make sure the software you use doesn’t corrupt any recordings you make, you’ll want to come back to the interview time and time again to ensure accuracy, or even a written transcript, something I couldn’t do in…