Weekly Gaming: The Walking Dead: Michonne: In too Deep (PC)
Hey all! I wanted to do less episodic gaming this year (as I swear I played far too many episodic games last year, which is kind of cheating when you’re meant to be completing a game a week!), but here I am, playing another Telltale episodic game. My reasoning for this one is that VGChartz.com needed someone to review Michonne, and since I’ve recently completed watching theTV show from scratch, I wanted to see how one of my favourite characters played out in a game. http://www.vgchartz.com/article/263526/the-walking-dead-michonne-episode-1-in-too-deep-pc/ Unfortunately, as my review above will attest, it does not turn out well at all. When you make a character driven series like The Walking Dead, you have to make sure you actually care about the characters, something Michonne doesn’t allow you, as the player, to do in any way, shape or form. If I had to give the game a score out of 5…
Weekly Gaming: The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 5 (PC) SPOILERS!!!
So here we are. After 4 episodes of The Walking Dead Season 2 we’re finally here, the penultimate conclusion of what will happen with the group and Clementine herself. Given the insanity of what happened at the end of the last episode (Rebecca being shot in the head due to turning into a zombie) and all out war happening between the Russians and our group, I was excited and interested of what would come of everyone, expecting the series to conclude with Clementine by herself again. Anyway, back to the start of the episode, where the consequences of the firefight are starting to play out. Luke gets injured and a few Russians die, with Jane making a return as she heard the guns going off and felt obliged to help. I was thankful of this conclusion as I was expecting the firefight to be a cop-out for the writers to…
Weekly Gaming: The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 4 (PC) SPOILERS!!!
After enjoying Episode 3 last week, I was looking forward to getting my teeth into episode 4, with the shit storm 3 left us with. For those of you who haven’t played, Episode 3 finished with the group managing to escape from the superstore and start making their way through the hoard of zombies disguised as zombies themselves with Zombie guts all over them. You finally come across radia? who has been bitten by a zombie, and its your choice whether to cut her arm off or to kill the zombie biting her. As I’ve been playing this season through as fairly heartless and logical, I went for her arm, ensuring she wouldn’t get infected and would at least live to see another day. Episode 4 begins with telling you whether your decision was meaningless and stupid regardless, just to ensure you have fights and tension later on with the…
Weekly Gaming: The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 3 (PC) SPOILERS!!!
With Episode 2 of the second season of Walking Dead not really gripping me, I was looking forward to jumping into episode 3 to see what would become of the group of characters being slaves in a supermarket, considering how angry and psychotic one of the characters behaved at the end of the last episode. This was certainly going to be a better episode if not purely for the fact the season has to make a lot of plot points to tie it all up nicely within the next 2 episodes, so with more characters, more deaths and more decisions, I was hoping for the best. The episode starts out by introducing you to a few new characters at a new place: a superstore that has been barricaded and held up. We’re told the group currently occupying the place has done such a good job of holding up that they…
Weekly Gaming: The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 2 (PC) SPOILERS!!!
After playing through Episode 1 of The Walking Dead’s new season, It was time to jump straight into episode 2 to ensure I got to know my new group all the more better than our initial encounter. I wouldn’t recommend playing The Walking Dead straight through from start to finish, but playing a day between each episode seems to be the best experience. The episode starts out from the offset with your decision from the previous episode taking full effect. You’re being chased down with your choice of character that you saved whilst zombies make their way towards you. Clementine and Nick (I saved the guy that hadn’t been bitten), manage to find a shack that they can hold up in, and so starts the next 2 hours of character building, where not much actually happens in the scheme of losing characters or making big decisions, but instead you get…
Weekly Gaming: The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 1 (PC) SPOILERS!!!
I loved The Walking Dead Season 1. It was a masterclass in how to narrate a game, and how to build a world to make you feel that your decisions and your progress in the game actually shaped and formed the world you encompassed. Many agreed, with the original winning many awards and having a hand in Telltale games being able to grab franchises such as Borderlands and Game of Thrones, ensuring their dominance of the story telling adventure game genre was theirs and theirs alone. Season 2 is a return to their routes, the series that got them on the map, and is certainly one of the most anticipated games to release for a while. The game starts you out from the offset as clementine, you won’t be controlling anyone else this season, so you best get used to being a small child in this frightening and gruesome world. You’re with…
Gaming Week 30: The Walking Dead: 400 Days (PC/Mac)
I was blown away by the Walking Dead back when I played it in January, as I’m sure many of you have heard from many publications, its a landmark game for story telling, and certainly has a uniqueness to it that’s hard to find elsewhere. 400 days is a piece of DLC to go on top of the walking dead, and is seen as a separate chapter on the chapter select screen. Each story is about 20 minutes in length, with a Epilogue that follows after completing each characters story. So for £3.99, its a nifty price for an adequate amount of content. Each story feels like a fully realised game in itself, with characters feeling extremely rich and deep. It makes you wonder what other game studios are doing with their writing staff, or whether Telltale Games have stole all the good writers of our time. When you select…
Gaming Week 1: The Walking Dead
This week I played and finished The walking Dead Season 1, and I must say, I’m really glad I did. The game from start to finish made me question decisions and made me shriek with horror everytime I had to make one. Gameplay was slow and at times annoying, especially with a controller. To put it in perspective, your thumb controls the cursor on screen using the right analogue stick, yet that same thumb is meant to press the correlated button to make a action. It means at times you have to move your thumb between places (losing valuable time in quick decisions), which is never a good design choice for any genre of game. Gameplay being slow is to be expected though, especially when the concentration is on the characters and story rather than the action. At the end of the day, we should be grateful there’s action at…