First thoughts: Modnation Racers PSVita
Before buying Modnation racers on sale for £11.99 from the PSN store, I had low expectations, to say it’s another Mario Kart clone is an understatement. So far my expectations have been met, making Modnation Racers one of the most underwhelming purchases of my year so far. One of my biggest gripes has to be the way the menu is navigated. It’s all so inconsistent. Some menu buttons have to be pressed with the X button, whilst being navigated using the D-Pad, whilst over menu items HAVE to be touched. It makes for an annoying experience, and one I hope never gets repeated on any other game. The game started up with no help or indication of what to do. You could navigate the menu screen, scrolling left and right to choose a specific option, (make a car, make a modnation racer, spend tokens, championship race etc.) but there was…