Hi all! So this week I finally managed to get around to reviewing Rubycone Games’ first title: Hektor. It took so long to be published as I was waiting for GamrReview to finally get merged with VGChartz.com, meaning the review should potentially get more hits as a result (this seems to be the case so far, with 1400 views on an indie game). If you want to read up on my impressions of Hektor, go ahead and click the link below: http://www.vgchartz.com/article/258610/hektor-pc/ Hope you’re all well! -Dan

Asura’s Wrath Lost Episode 2 starts off straight away after the events of the first episode, with Ryu being defeated by Asura, Akuma appears wanting to push himself to the limits. The fight, as you can imagine, escalates to new levels of ridiculousness, but still feels tame compared to what the chapter 4 DLC brought forth to the table. Lost Episode 2 takes no time to get going, making sure that you could potentially play Lost Episode 1 and 2 straight after each other with no time being wasted with characters and plot points being set up. You’re here for one reason only: to take on Akuma. Gameplay is exactly the same as the last piece of DLC, you start fighting Akuma on a 2D plane as you would in street fighter, and as things escalate you start fighting in an arena style setting, like every other free moving part…

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As much as I loved Asura’s Wrath, I just couldn’t bring myself to love this new DLC add on, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I just personally wish I had more Asura’s Wrath to play is all, and this is far from what hardcore fans will be looking for. The price is certainly worth it, for £1.40 (160ms points) you get another episode (filed under the “lost chapters section”) which lasts about 5 minutes game time, and around 10-15 minutes total. It’s certainly an extra, not adding to the story in anyway, but giving you that little bit of extra time showing the extent of Asura’s Wrath (which seems to be endless) The gameplay is definitely weird. Fans of Streetfighter will immediately notice that although the fighting style is familiar, the controls certainly aren’t. You have 4 buttons to press to fight, X makes fireball projectiles, A jumps, B…

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